Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Happy Anniversary

To my dear beloved Chad. We've now been married for three years, I can't believe it.

We've come such a long way from Chip picking on you in the hallway at Westside and me driving you the rest of the way home from school.

Thank you for saying yes and going out with me that Friday the 13th of August in 1999 and thank you for sticking with me through everything.

You've taken me into your life and your family and I love you. You've held me through everything and continue to do so even now.

I look forward to the rest of our lives together.

I love you.

Westside 1999

The wedding 2003

Freedom Weekend Aloft 2004

Chads Graduation 2004

A friends wedding 2004


(We're working on getting new pictures but these aren't too far from current.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary! Time flies when you're having fun! :)