Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year!

A wise man once told me that what you do on new years day is what you will be doing the rest of the year.

While I'm not overly superstitious I could only hope that this could be true as today has been a wonderful start to the new year.

I am resolving this year to take each day as it comes and not let 2015 seem to go as fast as 2014 did.

On the surface this is a simple concept, almost a cheaters way out of a resolution as so many of us share this sentiment and then find ourselves feeling the same way each December.  For me though, this sentiment has come to mean not getting overwhelmed by the end result of a project but focusing on what I can do for that project right now to get to that goal.

I actually started this in August with one part of my life and now want to work to move it to other areas.  While I don't know what this will mean for me overall this year I do hope that I will be writing more, completing more craft projects, and growing as a mom, wife, and nurse.

There are a lot of goals for me to accomplish in that list.  I look forward to the steps that it will take to do that.

Here's to 2015 and that at the end of this year I can look back and be proud that I didn't let it slip by to fast.

I'm not going to promise to blog frequently, but I hope that I will continue to follow through with my thoughts and actually get more posts up here.

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