Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Fun

I realize, that I neglected to show this months growth pictures to you all.  Ann is looking and behaving more and more like a little girl.  She doesn't want to be cradled in my arms any more when we are reading and she would much rather be exploring.  (I do love that she is so independent, but my has the time gone quickly)

She also had her first party at Chuck E. Cheese to go to.  It was her daycare's Christmas party.  There was lots of fun riding the rides.  Heck, even this picture didn't turn out too bad:
And then I tried to get pictures of her in her Christmas dress:

But she was more interested in doing this:

We spent some time with Grandpa on Friday the 23rd:

And then Santa came:

I loved Ann's reaction to the ball pit.  She came into the living room, looked at it and goes "What's this?" in her cute little way (whas thees...) looked down into it and said, proudly "BALLS!" Although, we have to get more to make it a true ball pit.

(Unfortunately I didn't start the video in time for the question and reaction)

We enjoyed our Christmas and now it's planning for the New Year.  I have to work tomorrow so more to come later this week!

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