Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Most of you who know me know that I am a horrible procrastinator. And I do mean horrible in every sense of the word. Sad thing is, that I have been most of my life. I don't know why. I just know that I am.

What's even worse is that I have never officially (I say officially) suffered for it. I can think of many high school and college projects that I put together at the last minute and made an A on. The worst example is one project that I didn't start until the middle of the night (1230 am) before it was due about the constitution. I stayed up three hours working on it and the teacher LOVED it. She looked at me and said "I know that took a lot of time and planning." All I could manage to say in response was "Not as much as you would think."

I'm so bad.

And I haven't learned my lesson from it. You would think, that somewhere in there, I would find it enjoyable to not wonder how I'm going to get things completed in time - presents, be the birthday or Christmas; projects, letters, blog posts, getting in touch with people. All of that I delay until the last possible minute. It's really not healthy.

But, here I am fining myself doing it again before I (hence the whole reason I'm blogging right now ) test for my orange belt tomorrow. See back in January when I started they had a to settle in giving me a gi that was more intended for your 250 lb 6 ft male as opposed to your 260+ lb 5 ft 2 in female. You get a little bit of a feel for that here:

See how much the sleeves are rolled up (forget the fact that it's a really, really bad picture) and the shoulder seams are halfway down my arms. The pants are horrible, (but not visible) in that if I put them on with out rolling up the waist - the crotch of the pants is at my knees and at the time you could forget finding my feet. To top it off, at this time I could barely tie the ties of the gi to keep it closed properly.

Not being a sewer I did little fixes for my test for purple belt and I was very proud of those fixes too. But even then it didn't work much and at least the sleeves were commented upon for the test (I kept unconsciously using my thumb to keep my sleeve back and I had to fix my pants by rolling them back up after kicks).
Now, here I am three months later and I've got to do it again. I've been practicing with my sleeves rolled up during class, but that's not going to be acceptable. I've now got to redo the sleeves and since the gi is still more optimally designed for someone broader in the shoulders than me I'm going to add a couple of hook and eyes to keep the front closed better so that the sleeves don't slip down my shoulders because the front opens. It usually does in class. I'm also going to redo my pants and find a way to keep the waist anchored down in the roll I usually do permanently so they don't shift as I do my kicks.

Wish me luck, I'm always nervous when I try to sew. I'll let you know how the test goes once I've recovered. It's bound to be better than last time though. I tested twice back to back last time and that hurt. I did that so I could move up two belts instead of just one. This time I'm only going for one.

Later all!

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