South Park
Well, I'm brain dead from working yesterday and Christmas shopping today. He can be so weird. Although, sometimes their social commentary is dead on. But at the same time there are a lot of episodes that scare me. 

I really can't think of anything interesting to post. Not much is going on. Just trying to finish up the Christmas stuff and plan. So, in the absence of anything interesting I give you the answers to one of the many questionaires constantly sent to me by a variety of people.
Name three habits you have:
1) Crocheting
2) Knitting
3) Picking at things, like tape left on surfaces, etc. (don't ask)
Name three scents you love:
1) Vanilla Musk
2) My peach body wash
3) Anything that brings back memories (like a loved one's shirt)
Name three things you would never wear:
1) Spandex
2) Daisy Duke Shorts
3) "Band Aid" like skirts or shirts
Name three animals you like:
1) Frogs

2) Elephants

3) Penquin

Name four television shows you love:
1) Fraggle Rock
2) M*A*S*H
3) The Muppet Show
4) All in the Family
Name two bands/genres most people don't know you like:
1) Black Eyed Peas
2) Emminem
Name three drinks you regularly drink:
1) Sweet Tea
2) Lemonade and other juices
3) Water
Name a random fact about yourself:
I still can not drink soda but after a twelve years I am eating hot dogs again occasionally.
Name a random fact about your family:
Which family? My hubby and me or my siblings, mother, father and me?
Hubby and me: We are willing to eat dinner with each other 90% of the time even when it means delaying dinner until midnight.
The whole flock: We have this thing about entertainment requiring electricity . . .
Have you ever...
Fallen for your Best Friend? yes
Made out with JUST a friend? no
Been rejected? yes
Been in love? Yes
Used someone? I guess I have
Been used? I believe so
Cheated on someone? no
Been cheated on? Not to my knowledge
Felt regret? yes
Who was the last person..
You touched? Chad
You talked to? Chad
You hugged? Chad (well, when there's only two of us, what do you expect the answers to be?)
You instant messaged? My brother
You yelled at? The drivers of cars in front of me, who obviously couldn't hear me
Do you...
Colour your hair? Only if it's temporary (eight washes or less)
Have tattoos? No
Have piercings? Three in each ear
Own a web cam? Technically
What should you be doing right now? wrapping Christmas presents
What are you listening to? My Station on Yahoo
Chicken or fish? depends on my mood
Do you have a favourite animal? Frogs
Is ice cream the best thing in the world? ONLY if it is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough in a vanilla base
What would your dream date be?
A romantic meal in an overly priced resturant followed by enjoying the sights and sounds of downtown Charleston
Single flower or a dozen?
Silver, gold or platinum?
Candlelit dinner in a restaurant or at home?
Silly or serious romance?
Do you consider yourself romantic?
at times
Well, yes
Not really
The Lovey Dovey type?
Not so much anymore
Dissected something?
Cut your hair?
What CD is in your CD player right now?
Josh Groban
Favorite Disney Characters?
Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse
Favorite fast food?
Depends on my mood - either Taco Bell or McDonalds
Favorite book?
The Giver by Louis Lowery
Favorite Sports Athlete?
Don't know
Favorite song?
There are lots, and that would make a post alone
What is your shoe size?
In womens usually a 9 wide but can go up to a 10, in men's a 7 1/2
What will you be when you grow up?
A novelist, a playwright, and successful craft show artist

Favorite color?
Hunter Green
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