Now I have you all confused and wondering what the hell have I been smoking. Bwa, ha, ha, ha! I'll never tell! (Sorry, that's my brother's influence coming out in me. Sometimes I just can't resist.)

Okay now, I'll be serious. Even though I don't neccessarily want to. And at points I may not even be able to. (Fish molesting
) Yes, there is someone out there who know's what that means and knows that I'm not completley crazy. (I said not completely!) And I promise that I haven't been smoking anything!
This all stems from unpacking boxes. I have entirely too much stuff. Let's put it this way - There is one of our two bedrooms that Chad refuses to step foot in because a sampling of my things are spread through out the room. I finished unpacking boxes today and found all the things that my titles refer to. (Remember, just because boxes are unpacked does not mean things are put away).

This all stems from unpacking boxes. I have entirely too much stuff. Let's put it this way - There is one of our two bedrooms that Chad refuses to step foot in because a sampling of my things are spread through out the room. I finished unpacking boxes today and found all the things that my titles refer to. (Remember, just because boxes are unpacked does not mean things are put away).

So, during this unpacking I found one of the many journals kept during my senior year, many of my "writings" and general knick-knack things. Reading the journals (which include emails, and other things) I came to many conclusions, one being that I should just rid the world of the junk but I can't bring myself to do that.
I figure anyone that knew me must have really thought me sad and depressing and hated me in high school. I know that's not completely the truth but that's the writings that I have with me. This makes me very scared of what is in my parents attic. I got a glimpse of it when I was in Anderson the other weekend. I was trying to access my Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior yearbooks, but was deterred by other boxes. The contents of those boxes . . . hevean help us all when I have them here with me (which will be before June).
This is why I'm in love with modern technology. Once I get my birthday present from my mother (an all-in-one printer, copier, scanner, fax) combined with my digital cameras, I will have the tools I need to get rid of so much paper and other things. I will have the tools I need not to worry about what I will do if I loose things should a hurricane come through here and I lose many belongings and here is why:
I will scan in what I consider important to my computer. I will take pictures of things I have emotional attatchments to just in case. In other words my world will be wrapped up electronically. I can back up my files as often as neccesary. During a weather emergency I can have a copy of my files backed up with me, one in Anderson, and anywhere else I desire.
Won't be exaclty the same but will console me in any times of need.

I figure anyone that knew me must have really thought me sad and depressing and hated me in high school. I know that's not completely the truth but that's the writings that I have with me. This makes me very scared of what is in my parents attic. I got a glimpse of it when I was in Anderson the other weekend. I was trying to access my Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior yearbooks, but was deterred by other boxes. The contents of those boxes . . . hevean help us all when I have them here with me (which will be before June).
This is why I'm in love with modern technology. Once I get my birthday present from my mother (an all-in-one printer, copier, scanner, fax) combined with my digital cameras, I will have the tools I need to get rid of so much paper and other things. I will have the tools I need not to worry about what I will do if I loose things should a hurricane come through here and I lose many belongings and here is why:
I will scan in what I consider important to my computer. I will take pictures of things I have emotional attatchments to just in case. In other words my world will be wrapped up electronically. I can back up my files as often as neccesary. During a weather emergency I can have a copy of my files backed up with me, one in Anderson, and anywhere else I desire.
Won't be exaclty the same but will console me in any times of need.

Told you I am crazy.
Do you know see why I've lost my mind, why I love modern technology, why I wonder how can anyone stand depressing teenagers, what I need to survive hurricane ally, and why I'm scared of my parents attic?
Good, because it's still confusing to me.
Well, I'm off to flashback ally again (hence the fish molesting reference). Wish me luck. I'm not sure if I'm going to return the same person I was.
Do you know see why I've lost my mind, why I love modern technology, why I wonder how can anyone stand depressing teenagers, what I need to survive hurricane ally, and why I'm scared of my parents attic?
Good, because it's still confusing to me.
Well, I'm off to flashback ally again (hence the fish molesting reference). Wish me luck. I'm not sure if I'm going to return the same person I was.
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